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Thursday, May 14, 2015

Why do African Americans vote for the Democrat party?

Democrat Party

Civil War
Democrat’s leaders controlled the South (supported slavery)
Republicans leaders controlled the North (wanted to abolish it)

After the Civil War
Southern States controlled by Democrats changed laws to make it impossible for Blacks to vote or have rights

Ku Klux Klan created by Democrats to:
Overthrow Republican State governments
Attack religion
Attack the Civil Rights Movement

Democrats pass the Jim Crow laws – segregation

20th Century
NAACP started by white Republican Jewish American men and women

Democrat President Franklin D. Roosevelt establishes the Welfare State
Basically a program where blacks and other minority groups are enticed to get free money by not contributing to society (similar to a deal with the Native Americans)

1964 Civil Rights Act
Democrat members of Congress opposed it and tried to stop its passing. Republicans members of Congress fought for it
President Kennedy and President Johnson (both Democrats, worked mainly with Republican members of Congress to pass it)

Martin Luther King Jr. (Republican)
Democrat members wanted him arrested and silence
Republicans supported him and his activates

In cities where Democrats control all forms of government, areas are created for only Blacks to live in (similar to places Jewish people were segregated to by the Nazi’s)

These areas were purposely kept inadequate than other areas of the city. Schools, Police, Fire and other city services budgets were limited in these areas.

Since the 1973 Roe vs Wade verdict, abortion programs were originally focused on black women

Many areas like Baltimore, Philadelphia and Ferguson have these types of Ghettos and are controlled by the Democrat leaders.

Democrat leaders have little to no programs to stop the 97% black homicide violence towards other blacks in these types of cities.


Why do African Americans vote for the Democrat party?

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