Imagine if you will. A very warm spring day as a father and his son are running errands around town. The temperature was around 95 degrees and while driving we keep the windows rolled down. Protect the environment. That and I needed to put more Freon in the air condition systems. Everything is going great. We’re bonding, joking around and I’m teaching him the important things in life. Lessons such as how to spit, give wedgies, burping sentences: the good stuff. We had just finished the last errand and we’re heading home when we came up to a stop light just before getting onto the freeway.
A car with older teenagers pulled up next to us with their car stereo blasting rap music away. With a few more cars waiting in line for the light to change and rap music dominating the whole area, a brilliant idea was created by my son. He wanted to listen to his brothers CD instead of these teenagers music. I wickedly smiled.
A mini van has one advantage, I feel, over a car. A van can amplify the stereo sound much better than a car. So I started the CD, turning the volume way up and watching both teenagers glance towards us with a look of shock and stupidity. One of the teenagers yelled at me to turn it down. I didn’t. As the light changed to green and we started towards the freeway I noticed the teenagers driving off very quickly, a lady behind me laughing her head off and a guy in a car behind the teenagers singing along to our music.
The opening theme song to SpongeBob Squarepants.
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