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Sunday, October 25, 2009

Getting the flu

The flu has struck this family but unlike ‘Chicken Little’, I still remember the home remedies my grandparents used. My youngest was out for a couple of days and my oldest son started showing signs of the flu last Monday and had sweated out the virus by Tuesday and was back to school on Thursday.

My wife now has the flu but with me working she still takes care of the boys until I get home to take over so she can rest. I started getting the flu a few days ago but after drinking a ¼ bottle of NyQuil and going to bed early did the trick for me. Plus, eating a lot of fried onions and bell peppers. And as I’m typing this out right now, my wife is sleeping off her sickness as well. Just like my grandfather use to say when someone in the family got sick, ‘Curing is a lot more better and quicker than living with the treatment.’

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