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Monday, April 30, 2012

Wal-Mart Achilles ’ Heel

To be fair Wal-Mart did revolutionize many things that people today take for granted. But that has led to a major fault in the way they do business. One of the obvious signs is when there are many people waiting to be checked out but with only a couple of registers open. And one of them is for ten items or less. All the while a cashier manager is walking around while talking into a walkie-talkie to see if someone can come up front to pick up some return items.

The one that is not so obvious is going on in the back of the store, particularly the receiving area. Many of them are great to work with but there are a few you wish you’d never met. As many vendors have to wake up around 2 to 3 AM in the morning to get ready for work, pick up their products from their factory and wait for the Wal-Mart receiving area to open up by at least 4:30 AM(ish).

At one local Super Wal-Mart there are two receivers who can’t decide whether they want to work or not. For that matter what mood swing they’ll be in. If they like you then you can be in and out very quickly, But if they hate you, well you can be there for a very long time as other vendors come and go until one of them gets around to checking you in. The threat of being kicked out of the store indefinitely for violating their company policy is forever flaunted about.

One morning as four vendors, who had been waiting since 4:30 AM for the receiver to open up, were told by 6 AM from the store manager that both receivers had called out sick. Someone else would arrive by 7 AM to check in the vendors. The manager couldn’t open the door because of company policy or even check them in because she doesn’t know how to do it. By then more vendors showed up as many simply left to work their other stores.

But the biggest headache comes when trying to do anything within the store. You can get permission for a display in the store but a day after you build it, they take it down to put one of their store brand items in its place. Or you get permission for a display from the store manager but nobody else working there knew anything about it. You end up taking the whole thing to the back until someone can verify you had permission. All the while the receiver is complaining about you having too much product in the backroom.

On another note; not at this store but in a few other Wal-Mart’s, when their delivery truck arrives, they will block the entire backstock area for the vendors so no one can get to it until the next day. Between 2 to 3 PM pallets are everywhere in the backroom as many vendors are unable to properly service the store will end up going home for the day or to work their other stores. All the while knowing they will be lectured the next day for not servicing the store properly.

Wal-Mart seems to forget that the vendors who service their stores are customers too; or were.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Cyber Bullying on HubPages

If you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all. And I am still a very quiet person to this day. But recently someone made a comment online at a website I really haven’t visited in a long time. Called HubPages, it’s a website where people can write pretty much whatever their hearts content with. As long as you do not reprint anything that is posted on their website onto another website.

I found that out when I received a warning email stating that I was in violation of their policies when I reprinted one of my stories on my personnel blog site. Since then I stopped posting anything on their website but I still get weekly updates relating to who read my articles and stories. But the other day I received an email from Hub Pages stating:

Your Hub has been identified as Deceptively Titled, Categorized and/or Keyword Stuffed. Your Hub may also be misusing a Recipe or Ratings Capsule. If this is the first time you've gotten an email like this, don't worry! You'll have an opportunity to fix it.

After remembering what my login info was I went to the article in question to find someone called “The Boss” left a comment about it in what I considered to be very vulgar and rude. I notified HubPages who quickly responded by republishing my story. They also made this comment in the email;
Yes, the comment is rude and we suggest that you delete it.

Whomever this person who goes by the name “The Boss” really needs to calm down. I did notice his IP address as which after a quick lookup shows that this person lives near Miami, Florida. But I shall handle this cyber bully, as i see it, by simply ignoring these types of comments. While I publishing them on my blog so other can become aware of these types of people out there.

Below is the comment that was left for me. Please note this person doesn’t seem to like Asian people as my wife is originally from Okinawa.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Evolution (part 4)

Note: Recently I found an old journal of mine. But due to the way I wrote things down I’m not sure if it was a story idea of mine or something I read or saw on TV. Either way I will write a four part story based on what I had written in the journal.

(Part 4 of 4)

Life and death are one thread, the same line viewed from different sides. - Lao Tzu
Only the wisest and stupidest of men never change. - Confucius

The passing of a day repeated over a thousand years is only the beginning. For the Shigai it has been that way for a very long time. Once they populated the planet. Unknowingly used as food for the newborn of a conquering race called the Nikushoku-Konchu. Had their DNA changed and modified along with their stolen offspring that was turned into a monstrous form called Pinku Ushi that was used as a primary food source. Then later having their offspring genetically altered again into its new and permanent form called the Nakajinagu.

The Shigai worship the Nikushoku, believing them to be the next step in their own evolution. But for a long time that changed greatly due to the Nakajinagu. They permanently replaced the Shigai in every way possible. They multiplied in larger numbers than those on the planets Konchu no-Su and Aka-Kasei combined as they were carried to other parts of the Universe to fulfill their purpose in life; as food.

Every Shigai stopped going through their so-called evolutionary changes. They were growing old with no ability to fend for themselves against the natural wildlife that was dominating the planet. With no clothing or survival techniques many simply died from their first winter or starvation. Only those who were located near the equator of the planet had a better chance for survival. And many of them barely survived as well.

All over the world, the abandon cities were being reclaimed by nature. As plant life covers them up, weather systems torn them down. With all the technology these cities held, the Shigai had no knowledge of how to repair or replace worn-out parts. But how could they when their whole species had been treated like cattle, never educated on the simplest of things such as fighting a common cold.

It would appear that the Shigai was brushed to the side, forgotten or simply a joke of the Nikushoku to watch them all die a slow death. They would retell stories of the days of greatness and glory of their people and the Nikushoku. Before they were caste out from what they considered Heaven. Leaving many to believe they live a life of hell. Never realizing they were really free.

As time went on, these people survived the best way they could. They copied other animals on how to survive, at times losing their own identity in the process. They were truly at the bottom of the evolutionary scale. Even as the years passed by from generation to generation, they were still affected from the DNA alterations the Nikushoku had performed on their ancestor’s centuries before. But that was about to change.

If a body is sick or injured, it will start working to repair the damage. A baby can be born a drug addict if the mother kept using illegal drugs during her pregnancy. The type of damage the human race went through as they were being turned into the Shigai took untold years for the biological damage to repair itself. Imagine the first children born to the Shigai looking totally different from everyone else. The skin is thicker while giving better protection from the sunlight. Muscle tone for better running and fighting. Their brains more developed to adapt for surviving in the environment around them.

The stories passed down from parent to child over the years convinced the Shigai that these children have evolved into a higher being. These children were looked upon as the savior of their race. Like a Messiah to bring a better world for all their people. But it would take a long time just for the human race to even form a collective society. But these humans did adapt to their environment much better than the Shigai, leading to a division between the two groups. The humans were advancing at a great rate of prosperity while the Shigai surviving by living much like the other animal around them.

In time the human race outnumbered the Shigai who were still unable to adapt and change as the humans has. They were unable to think on the spot when it was time to hunt big game animals, realizing the changing of the seasons or knowing how to improve their way of life. The Shigai were dying out for they lost their identity, their purpose in life. They didn’t want to or couldn’t see a future, only surviving with the dream of returning to the way their life use to be like.

The humans, living longer and healthier, growing in large numbers and knew their purpose in life. And they lived it. The spark of life had returned to them as they believed they were living in a heaven on earth. They saw and understood how nature worked and used it wisely as they built a world for themselves and for their future generations. The human race was on their way to reclaiming their world again. But what of the Nikushoku-Konchu?

They fell into near extinction due to their own hubris. They acted and treated themselves like Gods; failing to realize they could easily be taken out by something so microscopic. The Nakajinagu still roam many parts of the planet but many more were also carried off to other worlds by the Nikushoku-Konchu. For many years the Nakajinagu feasted on any and everything around them. Even though the Nikushoku made sure the Nakajinagu stayed strong and healthy, they failed to take into account of tiny larvae eggs living that were able to live dormant within them.

As the Nakajinagu eats, they inevitably consume fecal matter. Growing inside this decade matter are tiny eggs waiting to hatch. The eggs are located here because their mother lives inside the intestines of many wild animals. She could lay 2,000 to 10,000 eggs a day, making their way outside of the body with the fecal matter where unsuspecting animal would consume it. Other animals can be infected by eating an infected dead animal. And the Nakajinagu are great at eating any and everything.

The Nikushoku never cooking their food as they eat the Nakajinagu. Eventually every Nikushoku became infected by these eggs hatching inside their bodies, growing and multiplying. Eventually they would burrow right through into other body parts. Death was usually followed. By the time the Nikushoku could do anything to stop the infestation, it was already too late. Even the Nikushoku offspring growing and maturing inside the Nakajinagu would be attacked and consumed by these parasitic beings.

By this time the entire landscape of both worlds had been changed dramatically. The humans had repopulated the planet Konchu no-Su (Earth) again but as two completely different species; their original human self and as the Nakajinagu. Their DNA is similar but yet different as it was the DNA taken from the Shigai that created the Nakajinagu. The Shigai had died out by now as they were unable to change or adapt to the world around them.

All the facilities on Aki-Kasei (Mars) were covered in dust by now. The Pinku Ushi was quickly consumed by the Nikushoku and the Nakajinagu leaving all the facilities to completely shut down operations. As they remained unused for so many years, the equipment and computer systems simply corroded away. Without these systems, the constant sand storms simply buried every facility.

A few Nikushoku who did manage to return to this world could not reclaim their past glory. They were looked upon as monsters throughout the world. Cast in different characters throughout time as they all meet the same fate.  In Europe they were the vampires and werewolf monsters. In the Himalayas they were the abominable snow beast, Big Foot in the North Americas and the Chupacabra in Central and South America and in different forms of the Chimera throughout all of Asia.

The Nikushoku with all their power and knowledge lived as if they were Gods. Looking for a way to simplify their life at the expense of others, never realizing until it was too late that they had created their own death. The power to create and alter life comes with a great responsibility. To misuse this blessing only rewards the opposite effect; death. 

The End

Monday, April 23, 2012

Plastic Surgery Ranking

For main article click here

Un Ethanol Behavior

Recently with all the problems with my car being connected to the Sheetz gas station cleared up, I was able to move on with other things in my life. But yesterday I met the mechanic who worked on my car and informed me on problems other people were experiencing the same problem I had.

The culprit; ethanol. Older vehicles cannot handle ethanol as it clogs up the fuel injectors. It took two large bottles of the cleaning agent to get all the knocks and kinks out of the engine. I was lucky because many more people had to have their entire system taken out and cleaned. But that day he told me something that most people do not seem to know or once they do they forget about it.

There are many different grades of gasoline sold here in America. People are mainly used to seeing three of these grades when they are at the gas station. Four if you count diesel. At this man garage, he has a contract with the town to service all the police and city equipment. To handle their needs he has to carry the highest grade of gas there is to better handle these vehicles. And that means it’s a bit more expensive than the usual price of gas. But the payoff is the increase gas millage and a cleaner engine one can get that using the cheapest gas.

So now I’m trying out his gas to see if paying more will come out better for my car in the long run. But I do know that I’ll never get any gas from a gas station that has ethanol in it. News Story about this gas station click here.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Woman dies drinking up to 10 liters of coke a day

Woman drank up to 10 litres of coke a day | Otago Daily Times Online News : Otago, South Island, New Zealand & International News

A mother-of-eight who had an up to 10-litre a day Coca-Cola drinking habit never knew that excessive consumption of the beverage was contributing to her health problems, an inquest into her sudden death heard yesterday.

The Otago-Southland coroner David Crerar heard that Natasha Marie Harris died, aged 30, after a cardiac arrest.

Family hopes death will be lesson to others

At the time of her death, her partner Chris Hodgkinson  spoke out that it was the result of drinking too much Coca-cola and held the company responsible for her death, a claim Coca-Cola rejected but the company was sufficiently concerned that they hired a security firm to protect their Invercargill staff.

Hodgkinson told the court that she had been unwell up to a year before her death, including vomiting six times a week, but Ms Harris, himself and family members believed it was from the stress of managing her eight children and gynecological problems.

"She drank at least 10 litres a day. As a family we would buy four 2.5 litres a day, the maximum on special. The Coke would be for Natasha to consume over the course of the day. The first thing she would do in the morning was have a drink of Coke and the last thing she would do in the day was have a drink of Coke by her bed.''

Police estimated she consumed, on average, seven litres a day.

He said she was addicted to Coke and without it she would get moody, irritable and be low in energy. Yet, he never suspected that the beverage was making her ill.

"I never thought about it. It's just a soft drink, just like drinking water. I didn't think a soft drink was going to kill her.''

Medical evidence stated that the main finding of death was from a cardiac arrhythmia.

Dr Dan Mornin told the court Harris probably had severe hypokalemia, a lack of potassium in the blood, relating to excessive consumption of soft-drink.

He said although it was difficult to confirm this from post-mortem tests, it was consistent with her symptoms of tiredness and lack of strength and other cases of heavy soft-drink consumers, and it was likely her daily vomiting was due to too much caffeine, medically known as caffeine toxicity.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Vacation (with kids)

One of the great joys parents have while on vacation is the long trips, whether it’s by plane or car, they share with their children. Especially with the constant updates on the arrival and departure times; “Are we there yet?” or “Can we go home now?” But recently during the family vacation I did not have the luxury of these “helpful” updates from my two boys. Mainly due to a recent invention that keeps them as quiet as a mouse, the Nintendo DS system. Once I purchased this item for them, they stop being so helpful in making sure the next vacation never happens again.

Each with their Nintendo DS as both are constantly plugged into the cigarette lighter so they stay fully charged, they stayed glued to those little screen games during the long hours of car travel time. It is so quiet now that my wife and I can actually have a conversation about what we want to talk about. Not that I don’t care about Sponge Bob.

As the vacation was coming to an end, we got a hotel for the final night so we could be well refreshed and home by the afternoon the next day. But which hotel to choose from out of the many that was all planted together along the road. They all looked like a puppy at the pet store; “Pick me” “No pick me”. I chose one based on the rumblings of my stomach and parked the car at the hotel next door to a Wendy’s, which also happened to be the only fast food place anywhere nearby.

It is the Marriott Residence Inn that made my kids and wife wished we took our vacation there instead. We got the two bedroom with kitchenette suite. Each bedroom had its own bathroom and TV set. As soon as we got settled in, the boys automatically picked out the room they wanted and crashed on the bed with the TV set on Cartoon Network and their heads buried into their Nintendo DS’s. Not a peep out of them for hours.

It was heaven. My wife disappeared into our own bathroom for a nice long soak in the tub, boys in their room playing games and I’m in the living room watching TV while stretched out on the couch. Dinner time we simply walked over to Wendy’s, had a great dinner. Picked up some grocery items the hotel sells in the lobby and back in our hotel room a short time later. The next day as we were packing up and leaving, both boys and my wife want to come back to this place for our next vacation, which we most defiantly will.

This vacation cost a pretty penny but finding such a wonderful place to where we can still be in a hotel room and still keep some sort of privacy was a blessing. Also the Nintendo’s did help out greatly. If only the hotel which gave us free internet access didn’t keep cutting off on us all the time.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Top Gear VS Eureka

I have a dilemma coming up on April 16, 2012. There are two shows on two different channels that I am looking forward to watching but I can only watch one when it premieres and then watch the other show later. The shows in question are Eureka on the Syfy Channel and Top Gear on BBC America. Basically I’ll be copying both of them and then burn them on a DVD so I don’t have to buy the overpriced DVD set.

With Eureka, I can enjoy a mystery science show. A wonderful comedy show that over the years has evolved and reinvented itself with still plenty of story ideas to work off of. It’s like the Andy Griffith Show meets The Science Channel. And when the SyFy Channel has a hit show can only means that in time they’ll cancel it in a heartbeat. Just like past show such as; Farscape, Stargate SG1, Stargate Atlantice, Stargate Universe, Doctor Who, and Caprica to name a few. And they already announced that this will be Eureka’s last season.

Over at BBC America, there is the TV show that I have pretty much copied every episode broadcasted so far; Top Gear. This show in all its warped craziness way is an educational show outside the main topic of cars.  I still love the rock car ski jump, the first truck ever to drive to the North Pole and even the cross country drive through Vietnam, South America and Africa as my favorites.  But there’s more.

Listening to the three host of the show, unlike national network newscasters, are very straightforward on every topic. They’re not afraid to make fun of a person or an entire country by playing off typical stereotypes that even the people of that country can admit to. But at the same time reflect very strong points at why that person or country is great at what they do.

Before Top Gear, the only British TV show that actually told an audience about their country was an old 1970’s TV show call “Are You Being Served”. I learned a lot about British history, joke telling and their culture from this classic show. Hidden in Top Gear behind all the car talk, endless gag jokes, their love affair with the Bugatti Veyron and poking fun of themselves, they have been educating the viewers on the reality of the world.

I have learned more about British culture, celebrities, politics and lifestyle from watching this show than any other show from England. I learned about the Ken Livingstone tax people have to pay just to enter the city of London, the A15 highway is heavily congested and people in England eat about the same foods that I eat. It may sound strange but it wasn’t until I heard Jeremy Clarkson say in an episode that he could go for a big fat steak.

Every country they go to, they show the people being human. An example would be Iraq. They took off the body armor because the people were nothing like those being reported on the news networks. They were very nice and no different than the people you see at the local mall or the grocery store.  Many news outlets paint you a picture that everyone in the Middle East runs around shooting guns off saying death to all Westerners.

Top Gear showed me a region full of life and adventure that hasn’t been seen since the James Bond movie ‘From Russia with Love’ which was set in Turkey. Every country they traveled to, there is a moment in the show where it becomes a cooking program where they always highlight the foods of that country that Western people had never seen before. I could go on and on about this show but the reality of this program is very clear. It’s educational.
 So in the end I may have decided for myself which show to watch; Top Gear. Eureka will always be entertaining for that one hour but with Top Gear I learn something new about the world with every repeat of the shows I see over and over again.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Evolution (part 3)

Note: Recently I found an old journal of mine. But due to the way I wrote things down I’m not sure if it was a story idea of mine or something I read or saw on TV. Either way I will write a four part story based on what I had written in the journal.

(Part 3 of 4)

You are what you eat. - Victor Lindlahr
Never complain about farming with your mouth full. – A Farmer

A Nikushoku ship that had been orbiting a planet called Aka-Kasei begins its decent to the surface. It makes its way to one of the largest dome structures of the planet that is thousands of miles across and containing a most precious commodity, the main food source for the entire Nikushoku-Konchu and Shigai species.

The ship connects up to the landing structure as robots and machine units connect passageways and cargo areas to the main loading area. As containers are carried to and from the ship, several Nikushoku-Konchu make their way to an office area where others of its kind are waiting for them. After formal greetings the Nikushoku show their guest around the facility.

A facility that is located on a barren planet with a thin atmosphere and not enough air to even breathe properly. As they move around the area, they see the machinery and robots basically running the whole place. Their presents are basically to maintain them and to calm their livestock if they got out of hand, which rarely happens. But mainly to conduct experiments to increase their food stock.

In a huge warehouse area that could house the largest city of the known world, contains a population of over 40 million species the Nikushoku call Pinku Ushi. The whole dome structure contains six such warehouses on a planet that has nineteen more such dome structures on it. In one of these structures is a research facility that these Nikushoku have come here to see the results of an experiment.

They travel pass many caged rooms that look very similar to a Shigai apartment. But instead of Shigai there are several large Pinku Ushi that are well fattened up. Looking over test result, quality and the equipment used to create this breed of Pinku Ushi, going so far as even eating one of them. Seemingly please with the results they continue their tour of the dome facility. A question never asked was how does something so big are able to have offspring. Unable to reproduce on their own, they are given a helping hand from the Shigai people.

Every Shigai females on their home world has one of their ovaries removed by a certain age. The eggs are fertilized by a supply of sperm also taken from the male Shigai. Making sure every egg develops and then grown inside chambers for a certain time. During that time of development, the Nikushoku change the DNA around to increase the body mass and structure. Making sure the best meats of the body develop properly.

Over the years of DNA modification, if a newborn Shigai shows signs of a future defect later on in its life, the Nikushoku will take it to this planet for detail study. Several Shigai babies are collected from time to time for experimental studies at this facility or from some of the Nikushoku who are simply hungry.  The parents are never suspicious due to the nature of their upbringing. They firmly believe the Nikushoku will always protect the Shigai with their life and never harm them in any way. Little do the Shigai know that they are food for the Nikushoku.

A population passing 5 billion at times on this world making sure the Nikushoku and the Shigai population are well fed. Whatever scraps are left over from the newborn Nikushoku along with the bio waste from both species are sent back here to feed the Pinku Ushi. Even some of the Pinku Ushi are processed to feed their own kind if needed.

To describe the Pinku Ushi is a sight to see. Barely able to stand up due to their size, they huddle together for warmth. The Pinku Ushi are unable to properly use the bathroom so they simple pee or poo with no moral thought about where they are. Others of its kind simply eat the waste including whatever foods are placed in their cell off of each other. The Nikushoku breed only females for the extra breast meat.  Also to make sure that no offspring are accidently created.

Their average weight before they are processed is around 1,400 pounds (635 kg). They share a space with about six to eight others of its kind. Water is placed in small pool-like area that is big enough for only one Pinku Ushi.  Even as the water is constantly refreshed and clean, it quickly becomes very filthy as food and waste are constantly mixed in with it while the Pinku Ushi take turn drinking from it.

Their arms and legs are so huge that they only make an effort to move around when they are hungry. To do so, they use their elbows and knees to crawl around on the floor. Their fingers are so huge that they bend together as one. You cannot even see the vagina area due to the extra body mass blocking its view. They have no hair due to side effects of their DNA alterations. As they are all breed to be only females, their breast can weigh as much as 35 pounds (16 kg). Only the high ranking Nikushoku have the pleasure of enjoying these types of meat.

When all the Pinku Ushi in a cage reaches their desire weight, a robot will appear to activate a sensor implanted in their brain that will kill them instantly. The robots then guide the bodies to the part of the floor with a built in conveyor belt that will move them to the passageway conveyor belt that carries them to a processing center in that area. In a short period of time, this group of Pinku Ushi is cleaned, processed and ready for transport to their final destination. Any scraps left over are fed back to the rest of the Pinku Ushi.

The cage is sprayed clean as a new group of Pinku Ushi are brought in and deposited into their new home. They have been age accelerated to look the age of 10 but mentally the age of a newborn. Weighing around 190 pounds (86 kg) they speak in forms of grunts and facial expression as they are not educated but breed for only one purpose in life; as food.

Nearly everything of this species is used. All the blood and fluids are cleaned, processed and packaged with added drug mixtures for the Shigai to drink. The best meats are sent to the Nikushoku-Konchu home world. The bones, ligaments and internal organs are all turned into different forms of food. Even the skin is processed as food or as clothing for the Shigai children to wear. And just like the Nikushoku, the Shigai do not cook their food. They eat it raw.

In time, this new crop of Pinku Ushi will be ready for processing in less than 10 years’ time. And harvest time is every day, somewhere on this planet. Food processed and packaged, loaded up and delivered to two different worlds on a clockwork schedule. Even if the Shigai knew where their food source was coming from, there was nothing they could do. Even though both groups are of the same race, they already looked completely different. The Shigai are slender, healthy and strong while the Pinku Ushi looked more like a mutated pig than an offspring of a Shigai.

In one research lab they are testing a group of Pinku Ushi on how quickly they can shorten their growth cycle. In this group, they were able to speed up their growth in just under five years’ time. They watch their growth even at the cellular level to make sure there will be no abnormalities. If all goes well, the twenty more domes currently under construction will provide a more permanent food source for the Nikushoku-Konchu.

The Nikushoku do have a twisted since of humor. They will place a Pinku Ushi and a male Shigai in a cage together to watch them interact with each other. The male Shigai, who is driven to reproduce, will try to mate with the Pinku Ushi, just as the Pinku Ushi will try to eat the Shigai. As a more twisted sense of fun is whatever the outcome of the game, the Shigai and Pinku Ushi are both left to be eaten by the other Pinku Ushi. Games like this provide the Nikushoku with a more God-like superiority over the whole Universe.

They celebrate their talents of recreating a species into two different life forms. They marveled of the many worlds they have conquered. Their species, with a rather long life span are living on more and more worlds. The Pinku Ushi is the perfect food source for them. And as this planet is used as a food processing planet, they are creating facilities like this on other worlds. But in order to do this the Shigai would have to multiply as well. Or do they?

The visiting Nikushoku enter a test lab where the Shigai race are recreated using a new genetic engineering process. They have finally learned to reprogram the egg and sperm of the Shigai to multiply upon fertilization. From a simple fertilized egg, eight to twelve newborn Shigai can be created.  Plus they are able to rewrite the genetic code of the Shigai to make it into any shape or form they choose it to be. Looking at this new creation inside its cage was a sight

The Nikushoku created both sexes of this new species, giving it a different way of self-reproducing. More breasts were located along the belly. Its arms and legs were made shorter and stronger to easily move around. The face was elongated so they can easily reach the food and water.  This gave it a flat nose connected to its upper lip or jaw. You cannot see the neck as it was part of the upper shoulder and the head. A side effect covers their entire body with short thick hair. The Nikushoku called this new species Nakajinagu.

The Nakajinagu grew well in lab conditions. They would eat anything that it was given. The rottenness of meat to a live Shigai, the Nakajingu didn’t care what it ate. If approved by their leaders they plan to take a few of them to the Shiga home world of Konchu no-Su to see if they can survive there. The Nakajinagu’s DNA had been altered so much so that they look nothing like the Shigai. Plus the area they plan to do their test on the Nakajinagu will be on a series of islands in the northern hemisphere of the planet, far away from the containment cities of the Shigai.

If all goes well, in a short time this new breed will be carried to other worlds to eat anything the Nikushoku will let it eat. In a short time they can multiply there numbers greater than all the Pinku Ushi on Aka-Kasei. In a short time they can replace the Shigai as food for their offspring. In a short time the Shigai, once the human race that considered their species the top of the food chain, will be permanently placed at the very bottom.

(End of part 3)

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Evolution (part 2)

Note: Recently I found an old journal of mine. But due to the way I wrote things down I’m not sure if it was a story idea of mine or something I read or saw on TV. Either way I will write a four part story based on what I had written in the journal.

(Part 2 of 4)

Three can keep a secret if two of them are dead – Benjamin Franklin
A lie is only part of the truth - Unknown

Far above the planet orbits a series of space stations. Strategically places apart to have a complete view of the planet below. On one of these space stations a newborn Nikushoku-Konchu has just been beamed aboard. Surprised by its new surroundings, other Nikushoku are there to properly greet it and directs it and many other newborns to one of many waiting rooms.

A Nikushoku fly’s above them as the room is by now completely filled up and begins to lecture them on what is in store for their future.  As he settles on a platform above the crowd, the ceiling area starts showing a virtual image slideshow of pictures and videos that correlate to what the lecture is saying.

Boastfully speaking. We are the most powerful, intellectual and superior in every way. Below on this planet we are worship like Gods. And what I am about to tell you if one of the best kept secrets to the Shigai population.  The Shigai believe that we are the next stage of evolution of their species. That we have raised them to a new level of life from the hellish one they use to suffer through. We, in fact, conquered this species centuries ago of their own free will.

Centuries ago we found these people from all forms of electronic signals they transmitted out into space. Watching their world the way it was, we had many options on how to confront them. In the end we decided that the best course of action was a cautious and slow takeover of the planet. We used an array of sabotage tactics to weaken their government systems and controlled many of their kind by using those in key power positions. 

We took control of their internet and computer systems as we decreased many of the planets population through a series of medical epidemics and wars. Selecting what we wanted them to know, who was elected. We also decided what technologies should or should not be developed. We brought them to a point where they couldn’t trust their leaders and were looking for a change. Then we begin our invasion.

 We planned for a series of losses on our side to begin with. Our kind needs a host body in order for the seedlings to grow and consume nutrients while providing protection. We began by planting our seedlings into a few people across the planet. In time the local governments would try to hide this but we would continue on using more host bodies. As they conducted their experiments on our people, we did the same to theirs but on a much grander scale. In time we exposed their world what their government was doing, driving the populous of the planet towards use.

As we increased our program of implanting, we showed these primitive creatures how intelligent we are by creating many new technologies for them to enjoy. We gave those in positions of power, as a way to win their support, the means to control more of their kind. Eventually we used them for host bodies as well once they served our purpose of moving the populous of the planet to accept us as the next form of evolution of their kind.

It took over three centuries for them to get used to our presence and except us as their own. As we took control of the planet, we constructed new cities to contain them, gave them medicines to end all their diseases and technologies to keep them occupied. Eventually we openly handle many of the things that they took for granted in life. We became what they thought to be was us being their personal servants.

Wars and crime between them dwindled to nothing. We removed their orbital satellites, weapon systems and other forms of their technologies. We removed their cities, monument structures. Everything that connected them to their past was ripped away from them without them even knowing it. By now they were using our technology and the way of life we wanted them to have.  We rewrote their history with each generation of their species.

There were debates among their kind in regards to their species dying out and wanted to fight this extinction by any means necessary.  An idea we planted among them and convinced them easily to do what they thought was their own solution. And with that they removed all concepts of age limits for their female species to start giving birth. They finally increased their population for our offspring to feed off them.  

After 700 years from our first encounter with these people, we were in complete control of the planet. With our space stations orbiting the planet with nearly daily ship travels between this planet and our own, we were just getting started with the Shigai. And with the establishment of a more abundant food source, we were able to feed them in greater numbers, thereby increasing our numbers as well. Not to mention feeding our people as well.

We created what they thought were medical collars to monitor if they were about to “evolve” but in reality we were not only monitoring them but our seedlings within them and when it was time to collect them. We could easily pinpoint the best location to beam our seedlings into them without their knowledge. As an added bonus we could tap into their brain to keep them in a mellow mood. Making sure their anger or doubts towards us were kept at bay.

We increase their breeding cycle by giving them medicines mixed in with their food that made the women more fertile and shortened their menstrual cycle to only a day. We also increase the men’s sperm output to insure the women became pregnant. As the life expectancy was shorten to around 40 years of age, we also increased their growth cycle to mature quickly than ever before. A Shigai is normally fully grown by its 20th birthday, but now they are fully grown by the time they are 14 years of age with the women giving birth by this the time as well.

We were able to eliminate their family units for a more casual approach. One male could easily impregnate several women multiple times every year. So we made sure that there were at least one male and six females in every dwelling unit. We achieved this by altering the DNA to make sure more women than men are born. Thereby making sure their population continues to increase as they are driven by a desire to keep their species alive and growing. Not to mention the drugs we fed them to maintain the desire to have sex all the time.

They have been trained from birth to have as many offspring as possible. We have eliminated all forms of modesty they once had.  They beg for sex with whomever of the opposite sex they can find even to the point of teaching their children how to reproduce. Now a Shigai woman will fill ashamed if she does not have an offspring by the time she is 15 years old or a male Shigai will begin to impregnate the Shigai women by the time he is 12 years old.

By this time we had been teaching them our language while listening and learning our form of entertainment. This was done to further eliminate even more of their true identity. To eliminate their confusion or doubts of why there were so many languages on this planet and to make it more easy for the whole Shigai population to follow orders on the true voice and meaning of their masters without the hassle of translating everything for their own comfort. They are to comfort us, not the other way around.

 An idea that for once we didn’t have to tell them to do without was the wearing of clothing. Seeing as we do not wear any form of clothing, the Shigai over time began to copy us.  They worship us as the next stage of their normal life. They saw us as perfection and they wanted to live their life in the image of us. Being naked didn’t damage our offspring nor for the other processes we had planned for them. They willingly gave us their modesty and vanity.

Even when they asked about their history, we told them the truth; but from our point of view. They even surrendered their true God and beliefs for the life of a lie. How they crawled about the ground looking for food and shelter. Creating wars and destroying their own kind because of different viewpoints. We told them how they were chosen by a “Higher Power” to create a super race of being to go out into the Universe and conquer it. They were becoming us as we protected them from all the dangers on this planet.

Sixteen hundred years since we first arrive, we have removed all traces of this species place on this planet. We took their body, sprit and soul. Their language, culture, all forms of their creations and achievements and replaced it with ours. Even if they revolt against us, they have no idea on who they really are. They fully believe that we, Shigai and Nikushoku, are the same species; making them one of the biggest jokes of the Universe.

Soon all of you will be boarding a ship for the trip to your true home. You will stop off at another planet to connect up with a second ship that will be carrying food and supplies for our home world. And with that a young Nikushoku asked a question of wanting to know the name of the planet they were born on is called. The lecturer stated that the planet is called Konchu no-Su. But at one point the Shigai used to call it Earth.

(End of part 2) 

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Evolution (part 1)

Note: Recently I found an old journal of mine. But due to the way I wrote things down I’m not sure if it was a story idea of mine or something I read or saw on TV. Either way I will write a four part story based on what I had written in the journal.


(Part 1 of 4)

In all the worlds across the sea of space, a story of a species that has faced its evolution, raising it to a level of great heights yet realizing how low they really are.

On any planet crowded with cities full of millions of people, a family has gathered for a special event. A 34 year old mother has her six children, ranging from 16 to 3, gathered together to tell the tale of their origins and future. A story the kids have been hearing every night since their father began to change into his new one. Behind them on the floor he lays there naked in the fetal position with a broad smile across his face as rigor mortis has virtually petrified his outer body.

The excitement from the sound of their mothers’ voice leads them to huddle together even more. The children are happy and excited as they hear the many blessing on what the future hold for them and their father.

With the exception of a stylish collar band around their necks, only the younger children are clothed in a loose fitting gown. The older ones from the teenage years and up are completely naked. But as in our world with the image of nudity leading to promiscuity and sex, in this world, it’s a time of preparation for the body preparing itself for the next stage of their natural evolution.

 A long time ago these creatures called the Shigai crawled upon the ground foraging for food and protections from other wild animals a wonderful thing began to happen. During the night they would huddle together for warmth. Then the older member started to become as hard as a rock. Days would go by as the rest of the family would continue their normal routine of trying to stay alive as their eldest members laid exposed to other predators.

But on this night years later, after 7 days’ of lying there, the body began to move about all on its own. The lifeless body was bulging in a few areas; much like a half inflated balloon that was being squeezed. But the main cause for excitement was the skin pulling apart as a new creature emerged from within this person who a week ago was alive and healthy. The only thing left of this individual was an empty husk of a body with the smell of death filling the air around it.

The creature that crawled out of this body continued to stretch out to it’s newly form shape. Slender in shape with soft white texture skin much like the underbelly of a snake. Peach fuzz covers the entire body. Two antennae just above the honeycomb set of compound eyes. The nose area has one long tube that seems to curl up when not in use.

With two pincers-like mandibles covering the mouth area. The creature opens his mouth to reveal a series of razor like teeth. Unlike a humans mouth where the lower jaw moves up and down as the food is being chewed, the lower and upper set of teeth can rotate in a semi-circle motion. Like a spinning saw blade slicing up a piece of meat.

The legs are long and skinny. Bulging muscles at the top with the lower area connecting to what looks like a lower abdomen. The feet, if they can be called that, were slightly bent but appeared very strong as this new life form stood on them with ease. The arms were attacked to the middle abdomen. Much like the legs: muscular by the shoulder area but becoming skinnier as they branched off to form fingers.

After the creature wings had dried, they would cover his body, giving the impression that he was wearing a robe. But as he opened them up, they covered the area around him easily. All white with the veins and framework easily to be seen. Standing about three feet tall he flexed every muscle of his body as if waking from a very long sleep.

As he made his way to the balcony, he looked upon this group of individuals who were in awe and wonder of the being that came out of their loved ones body.  The creature began to make a rather squalling noise as if to try and speak. The mother spoke to it and after an exchange of words; the creature was met at the balcony by a much older version of itself. And with a flash a white light, the entity that came out of the man’s body had vanished from their sights.

The creature that had appeared to them said nothing but simply looked them over and flew away as many more of these creatures were seen flying about in the sky. The mother and two of her kids gather the remains of the body and carried it to a special trash chute for bodies in this condition. Returning to their apartment, the surviving family began to eat their meal and enjoy the entertainment provided for them by their superior forms.

An evolution is taking place on this world that at first was difficult to explain or understand. Many of those that evolved first were killed out of fear and from those trying to stop it. But as time went on, the new life form proved to be full of major advances that pushed the boundaries of understanding in the fields of science, religion, medicine and more.

As more and more of these new life forms began populating the planet, wars dwindled to a non-existent, diseases were eliminated and the understanding of physics created a utopia society free of pollutants, crime, diseases, hunger and many other things that in our world we experience every day.  

This new evolutionary life form began calling themselves, Nikushoku-Konchu. What’s more, they developed their own language. Over time they began teaching this language to all the Shigai on their planet. Uniting them in one language and preparation for the coming days when more would be selected to evolve to a new life form more superior to them.

At first only certain families would go through the evolution change. But as time went on more and more people would change. At one point it appeared that the entire population of the planet was going to disappear altogether, sending both races to extinction. But a re-education program was enacted to protect the Shigai and the Nikushoku from extinction.

People were encouraged to married young and have as many children as possible. With the advance technologies that the Nikushoku has developed, trivial matter of foraging for food or finding a home was a thing of the past. There was an abundant food supply the Nikushoku created that both species could consume and maintain a healthy body.

The people on this planet didn’t have to work or do anything. The Nikushoku took care of them and treated the Shigai like royalty. Whatever the Shigai wanted, the Nikushoku provided for them. The only thing the Nikushoku asked was for the Shigai to live a long and productive life.

The neck collars were created as minicomputer systems to monitor the changes in their body and as an early warning system for those about to evolve to their new form.  The other Shigai could move the body to a better place of preparation while the Nikushoku could monitor the evolution changes and be present when a new Nikushoku appeared.

This is why the people wore little to no clothing; to prevent damage to the Nikushoku when they were emerging from their old body. Plus as a side effect to the new food source, their skin became more resilient to the weather conditions on their planet. As even their own body temperature was 10 degrees hotter than it used to be.

As the family finishes their meal and prepares for sleep, the collar on the mother’s neck begins to beep as the band appears to turn reddish in color. As the family excitedly gathers together the mother informing her oldest child who was just turning 16 that he was in charge of the family now as she begins to start her change.

She begins by feeling a searing pain in her lower neck. As it slowly goes away, she is overcome with a since of light headedness, feeling happy and mellow as if she was heavily medicated.  Unable to feel any form of pain or discomfort she positions herself in a fetal stage and as she falls asleep, her skin begins to become ridging and hard to move or bend.

The surviving children are all excited and joyful that their mother and father will be reunited together. They go to bed late that night, sleeping together as one while their mother who moments ago was alive and well is placed in the corner of the room and begins to experience her new way of life.

(End of part 1)

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Funny Parody Songs

I found a couple of videos on you tube that made me laugh my but off. One of them is from actor Ken Matsudaira. An actor who has and still appears in theater, movies and TV shows playing serious characters in dramatic stories.  Imagine Robert De Niro dancing in a music video and you get the idea.

The other video in from a parody group called Yazima Beauty Salon. One person particular in the video is Takaaki Ishibashi who many people may remember from the movie ‘Major League 2 & 3.