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Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Kid's say the darndest things

At one of my sons’ graduations events at school my wife and I learned a little too much about how our kids sees us. Not as much as in a bad way but more in line with a simple look at life through a kid eyes. The awards for his grade level were being held in the cafeteria/ auditorium. The place was pack with all the kids’ parents celebrating their child’s accomplishments and promotion to the next grade level.

As my son found us in the crowd we could see his beaming smile light up the room. He wanted to share his love with everyone so he acquired his classmates’ attention and proceeded to point us out of the crowd and proclaiming in a rather booming voice of our relationship with him.

And I quote. “There are my parents. I call him Daddy and I call her Mommy. They buy me lots of toys and DS games though not as nearly as much as I want but I still love them.”

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