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Wednesday, October 12, 2011

How Liberals become Conservatives

The following article is of a personnel viewpoint and in no way to be presented as factual data of any kind. All of this was meant in good humor and fun. If reading this article causes any emotional distress then I am sincerely sorry for your misunderstanding and hope that you will get over it.

With the current issues of the day dividing our Nation’s leaders as well as the common people throughout the land, it is rather easy to notice the many similarities and differences  in so many people as their beliefs and practices will eventually reach a final conclusion. The following examples will clearly show, from my viewpoint, on where we stand as a Nation and as an individual.

From the beginning of the birth of a baby, the parents are dealing with a fully fledge Union card carrying liberal. This enfant believe that all of creation revolves around them. Doesn’t matter on the time of day or night, what they want they expect to get. Depending on if they have been properly educated, this lifestyle will continue on for many years even into adulthood. You will see many of these people in stores. They want to be held or walk on their own. They see an item and will act in the most embarrassing way possible in order to obtain said item. Though sear volume of rampant protest, they usually get what they want thereby believing this is the correct way to get things. Imagine the character Veruca Salt from the movie Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

At Christmas time, when parent do their best to keep their kids from entering any kind of store that sell toys is almost near to impossible as every TV channel will broadcast all the new toys and gadgets that Santa will bring this year to them. These kids will write many letters to Santa and drive their parents near crazy in their efforts to obtain these items that they didn’t work for nor do they yet understand the cost of buying them. By the time they reach 10 years old, a glimmer of change begins to appear. Again if a true parent educated them well enough, these kids will have the foundation to really see the importance of give and take or as the saying goes, “you wash my back, and I’ll wash yours”.  Cutting the grass, rack the leaves, cleaning up their room are the beginning points as they learn to earn money and privileges. They learn that the money they honestly earned can be spent on anything they want.

When they enter the teenage years they know that doing chores equals money and that a part time summer job equals more money. They see the amount of taxes taken out of their paycheck and begin to learn what their tax dollars are used for. Also at this time as teenagers start hanging out will from time to time grab a drink and/or something to eat. Those that work will have the money to do this as those that do not will revert to their younger years and begin to chant out multiple reasons why they deserve to be treated to a free handout.

Also during the teenage dating lifestyle, the boy will surly scramble to come up with the money to treat his girlfriend on a date as the girl will need money just in case the guy is a jerk and needs to get home. Basically this is the time in their life when they form within them the meaning of being a Moderate. They still want a free handout but they know that they eventually will have to earn it.

If they go to college or a University it will delay their development into entering a conservative lifestyle. They will be exposed to free thinking beliefs like; “It’s my body and I can do whatever I want too. I can have sex with whomever I want, drink alcohol, get tattoos and smoke marijuana but not cigarettes because it’s bad for you”. Their brain is beginning to understand that the world does not revolve around them but yet they still express what they truly believe but yet they still sound like small kids wearing grownup shoes.

 If they get a job then they quickly wake up to reality. They still live at home and as soon as they get paid, it’s all spent by Monday morning. It’s at this stage to when the parents will begin to enlightening these kids with new house rules that comes with more freedom. Nighttime curfews may be gone but paying rent or more chores could be included in this arrangement.  As they stay focused on their job and household chores, they begin to understand and build upon being a responsible person.

They learn to save money. Looking at the price tag and contemplating if they really need to buy that item. Also they see the friends they hung out with as teenagers as either freeloaders or true friends. This is where people start drifting apart. Mostly due to work but they see their so called friends just like a small kid in a store screaming for a toy. These mooching young adults have yet to grow up to face the real world.  But the ones that have grown up are starting to see and begin to live more responsibly. As they express what they believe in will be met with respect by older adults.

When they move out on their own for the first time is magical. Even though they work, pay taxes and have more responsibility to deal with compared to a few years earlier, they live like a homeless person. They have to budget rent, phone, power, cable TV and whatever other bills they have and live off the rest. So if someone asked for spare change could mean the difference between having lunch or not. With this, other adults will see the maturity in this person and offer advice on what to expect on life on their own.

Over time this young person living the life of a Republican will have some money set aside for emergencies. They will be careful and budget themselves with a lifestyle that they can afford. But two lifestyles that no one is really prepared for is marriage and parenthood. In marriage you have to give 100% to the relationship while all the troubles, hardships, victories and rewards are shared 50-50. They learn the true meaning of compromise and investing in another person and a different lifestyle that may or may not work out. If successful this leads to the next stage of life of being a parent.

Everything you have done in your life to that point changes as every bit of money that you saved will be gone as with your health and lifestyle. Your development as a person over the years will decide what kind of parent you will be. If done correctly then you’re OK but if you still live as if the world owes you something, just like a kid begging for that new toy, then you’ll have lots of problems. As a true parent, you will have the maturity to not only take care of the newborn child but will also be ready to handle any unforeseen problem that appears. The best advice will always come from people’s testimonies than from books as a true parent will always welcome any advice that will help them through this time of their lives.

And as a true parent who has learned to save money, earn the respect of fellow coworkers, has a lifestyle that is prepared for the baby as well as being prepared for future potential problems is ready for their greatest challenge. This conservative couple must now raise a child who believes that it is the center of the known universe. This enfant believe he/she deserve all the attention and only the best in life even though they have shown no true purpose in life. They want their fair share even though they haven’t earned it. Not yet at least. But this conservative couple will sacrifice everything for the sake of this child. Money, free time, sanity even their lifestyle just to raise this child that starts ever sentence with the words,” I want…”.  And throughout the years as this child grows up following their liberal beliefs, they view their parents as nothing more than conservative kooks with a wallet and keys to the car.

From the beginning of liberalism we grow up and change into a conservative lifestyle. We choose to live as an adult or as a child. Taking responsibility and earning the respect of others or giving up and living off others. Making the world and all things on it a better place as we help others to grow and mature or to demand from the world a lifestyle without earning it at the expense of others. To be remembered as a hero or savior who made the world a better place or as a leech that only takes, never giving anything back to society. 

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