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Monday, June 23, 2014

Power Rangers Dino Charge vs Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger

Saban Brands will soon water down another Super Sentai show, Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger, into Power Rangers Dino Charge. Here is the reported story line about the “new”  Power Ranger show.

In Dino Charge, the Energems were given to a dozen dinosaurs for safe keeping by an alien, but they were lost when asteroids hit the Earth and wiped out the dinos. Now in the present day, an intergalactic bounty hunter starts sniffing around Earth looking for the Energems in order to harness their power and annihilate the world, so a team of Power Rangers forms to find the Energems first and fight the bounty hunter and other threats with dino-powered swords, blasters, Zords and Megazords.

In the United States, which was founded on the freedom of religion, the story line from the Japanese show would never be allowed on American TV. Too religious. And from a country where Christianity is less than 1% no less has created a TV show that clearly explains the Christian belief in its basic forms.

The original story line for Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger is as follows.

Long ago, in the time of the dinosaurs, the Earth was invaded by an alien menace called Deboth, the leader of an invasion army. On the verge of extinction, some of the dinosaurs are transformed into Zyudenryu and seal Deboth and his forces in ice.

Now, in the modern world, the Deboth Army have thawed and now intend to commence the mass extinction of humanity while thawing their still frozen leader. But having prepared for it, Wise God Torin gathers the only people capable of helping the Zyudenryu stop the Deboth Army: "the People of the Great and Mighty Lizards", which has been shortened to "Kyoryugers"

But within the storyline there are spirits, resurrection, forgiveness, inheritance, redemption and the end of Hell as we know it. I will break many of this down as I have seen these things within the show.

Wise God Torin was originally created for evil and sent to destroy the Earth and all life on it. But he fell in love with Earth and the dinosaurs. He used all of his powers to change 24 dinosaurs into Zyudenyu. The Deboth Army was defeated and frozen away underwater.  He then spent many years overcoming all those he had killed and the Zyudenyu who died for him. He created and trained many Kyoryugers over the years to stop fragments of the Deboth Army invading Earth.

Just as Jesus went to the cross to establish spiritual salvation, Torin went with the same mission to cleanse the spirit world of evil. His spirit was pure and bright. Not dark and evil as when he first came to Earth. In John 16: 12-15 when Jesus spoke of someone coming after him to spread the truth can also be seen between Torin and Dantetsu Kiryu.

Dantetsu Kiryu walked the Earth his whole life. He was able to listen and communicate with the earth. Eventually becoming King of Earth. His son, Daigo Kiryu  - Kyoryu Red followed in his footsteps but rarely saw his father over the years. But Only when Dantetsu assumed the role that Torin held did everyone know the full story. And why Torin had to die in order to save everyone. Eventually Daigo Kiryu obtained the same level as his father and becomes the second generation King of the Earth.

Utsusemimaru and Raging Knight Dogold are the perfect examples of Matthew 5:43-48. Two people who truly hated each other to eventually come to care and respect each other to their deaths. Dogold is an empty shell type monster. Four hundred years ago he trapped Utsusemimaru within his armor. They both fused in mind and body till eventually they were separated. Still hating one another. As they knew everything about each other, they always took verbal swipes at each other. But they each went to the others defense when they were struggling or in great turmoil. Eventually fighting together to stop the Deboth Army.

Joyful Knight Candelilla is a Deboth villain. Stealing joy and love from people. But when she encountered Nobuharu Udo - Kyoryu Blue she began to change as both of them fell in love with one another. He would remind her that she could change just as Torin did. He even protected her when she was hunted down by the Deboth Army. Because of Nobuhara unchanging love for her, she was able to change her ways, eventually joining Torin in destroying Hell and becoming a mentor for the Kyoryugers.

Sorrowful Knight Aigaron causes people to feel sorrow. He caused a lot of problems for the Kyoryugers only to show unconditional love towards Candelila. So much so that when the leader of the Deboth Army was revived Aigaron sacrificed his life so Candelila could escape. Even Ian Yorkland -Kyoryu Black was moved to tears by his sacrifice and forgave Aigaron. Aigaron was responsible for killing Ian’s friend years earlier as Ian’s sorrow and anger kept feeding Aigaron.

In terms of inheritance the show gave three examples of it. Two of the Kyoryugers are spirits as they had died years ago. Tessai – Kyoryu Gray gives his descendant, Shinya Tsukouchi the ability to become a Kyoryuger. This can be called Ancestral lineage inheritance.

Doctor Ulshade – Kyoryu Violet had been raising his granddaughter, Yayoi Ulshade who eventually took over as Kyoryu Violet. Their relationship was much like Abraham and Isaac. She held unconditional love for her grandfather that their scientific work and fighting style were as one in the same. Not like an obedient child but more like in Matthew 5:48 (the correct translation; You therefore must be mature, as your heavenly Father is mature.) She was treated as an adult by the way she maturely acted, even though she was still a teenager.  This is Parental lineage inheritance.

Yuko Fukui is the younger sister of Kyoryu Blue. She is chosen to replace Ramirez – Kyoryu Cyan as Ramirez had to go with Tessai and Torin to destroy Hell. She inherited the position for many reasons. But mainly for protecting Ramirez when he was attacked and hunted down by the Deboth Army. Just like the story of the Good Samaritan, she took him into her home and protected him. Even protecting her older brother’s secret that he was a Kroyuger from her.  She inherited the role as Kyoru Cyan much in the way that Christianity inherited the role as the second Israel.

Unlike Power Rangers, the Super Sentai shows express real life situations. People do die. The bad guys do win from time to time. And making the ultimate sacrifice does happen. Christians are famously known for sacrificing themselves for their religion and faith. And throughout the series many of the Kyoryugers were sacrifice for their faith as well. Ramirez died fighting the Deboth Army five hundred years ago. Kyoryu Red faced the leader of the Deboth Army knowing he was not going to make it out alive. When he killed Transcendenterfly God Deboth and the ship was burning above the Earth; he simply sat down and waited to die. Utsusemimaru even fought to his death when he and Dogold defeated Resentful Knight Endolf.  

Saban Brands had no choice but to drown the main storyline of the Kyoryugers. Atheist would protest the show as being too religious. Christian groups would protest the show as an attack on their religion. The Network sponsors would pull their ads out of fear of offending anybody and losing money and profits. A kids TV show that stood out with a great story line and with a very Christian theme from a country where Christianity is as common as the blue moon. 

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