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Thursday, September 3, 2009

Conversation between the Sexes

The other day we went to our local Japanese store in Cary, NC, give or take 30 miles, to stock up on the usual items like candies, sodas and other food items. As we were getting ready to leave my wife noticed all the new beauty items the store was now carrying. About 30 minutes later she narrowed it down to a few items and eventually she chose one that ‘had a cute package design’. On the way home she explained what it does to which I responded like a typical guys summery of this women’s product.

She says:
At the end of the day this rinse-off remover will remove all the makeup I was wearing during the day plus it will clean my facial pores and make my face clean and smooth.

I said:
So it gets all that junk off your face.

The rest of our conversation was changed to another topic.

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