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Tuesday, January 17, 2012

The Secret Deal

The following story is made up and in no way for real.

Weekly World News is reporting a conspiracy that has been going on for years with multiple cover-ups that has finally been brought to light. The location of a joint government operation between Canada and the U.S. is in the Northwest Territories of Canada, north of The Great Bear Lake and a few miles before reaching the Beaufort Sea.

Using the cover story of the diamond mines of Da Beers and Diavik, many of the equipment is being diverted to this top secret location since the late 1940’s. This area has been under military control as the U.S. submarines and boats were looking to find a route through the North Pole in case war broke out with the Soviet Union. Instead they found a new source of materials that would change modern day life and the planet as well.   

Classified materials that were embedded in the WikiLeaks documents told the early beginning of this operation. These documents were later removed from the web site when the site owner, Julian Assange, was contacted by U.S. officials on the circumstances involving those papers.  Mr. Assange cooperated after a few members of his family, friends and supporters died in a series of medical, accidental or just plain killed. He was basically told that international laws would be waved as he and other connected to his group would be assassinated and the website info destroyed.  He now lives under house arrest and in constant fear of being targeted for death by the U.S. government.

A brief summary:

In 1946 the submarine USS Atule was sent to the North Pole with a cover story to set up a weather station. In fact they met up with a Canadian expedition team. Even though the whole area was covered in ice and snow, they explored a cave system where recorded temperatures of 70 degrees are constant around the cave entrance. A permanent site was built around the entrance as heavy equipment continued to be moved in by land and sea.

Primitive suits that later became the model of NASA’s space suits were used to explore the cave system. Inside giant crystal caves were discovered. Unlike the Crystal caves in Mexico, these were more larger due to the frozen tundra keeping the heat trapped below the surface. After multiple expeditions, large diamond and gold mines were discovered. But due to the excessive amount of heat and humidity, many future explorations had to be planned out.

Through a series of ice roads, airplanes and submarine trips, large equipment was brought to the area and constructed. Large pumping stations were constructed to pump out the heat as other units were used to pump in the cold artic air. A cover story of oil explorations, weather reporting and the threat of Soviet Union attacks kept the civilians away. In later years the Diavik and De Beers diamond mines provided another layer of protection as many equipment and supplies were diverted to this secret government location. As well as removing materials from it as well.

The crystals were studied and afterwards scientist discovered that these crystals not only absorbed heat but blocked radar waves. Using a heat scanner, a person can be detected by the heat emitting from their body.  But when these crystals were grounded up, placed in a pouch like mess container and covered the same individual, the heat scanner was unable to detect the person. Plus when the crystals were being transported, the radar system couldn’t track the vehicles and planes due to the crystals absorbing the radar signals.

Also being taken out of the cave system are large quantities of gold and diamonds. Eventually the diamonds become scarce. Over the years the mine became a complete military operation with no civilians allowed in the area. But an environmental issue began to appear in the late 1970’s. With the air condition units working 24 hours a day pumping out the heat from the cave system have contributed to the local area staying in a summer like environment of 65 degrees year round. Even during the dead of winter, the snow melted quickly forcing the military to basically camouflage the landscape.

Also these units were using refrigerants that contribute greatly to the buildup of greenhouse gasses. The whole eco system in the surrounding area was becoming unstable after decades of constant use. The Artic area was beginning to warm up. During the late 1990’s operations were slowed down to allow the area to stabilize as by now tons of gold and giant crystals still remain untouched.

The base, still in operations as the heat and humidity provides protection for the soldiers as the artic winters reclaim the area. Travel to and from the area are constantly monitored by satellite and radar with orders to shoot to kill all unauthorized encounters. The gold is divided between Canada and the U.S. which resulted in a leak during the Clinton administration that there was a huge surplus of money in reserve.

The crystals, able to block out heat and radar waves, was developed into blankets and articles of clothing. And it was during this time in the late 1990’s when the U.S. military was undergoing a change in their uniform with these crystals embedding into the clothing. And these crystals in powder form and painted onto their aircraft and naval ships provided a deterrent to radar and heat seeking detectors and weapons.

The temperature inside the cave has returned to their normal temperatures but the environmental damage to the area is evident and military experts say it will be decades before the area is restored to normal after 50 years of constant abuse.  A more indebt geology study has also found a huge oil field estimated at around 50 to 55 million barrels of oil underneath the cave system.  Plans for drilling have been met with opposition from environmentalist and within the Canadian and U.S. Government to keep the site top secret.

This top secret area was uncovered after the events of September 11th when the Homeland Security Act was passed in 2002. Detailed info was copied and shown to members of Congress. Many of them mysteriously lost re-election like Democratic leader Tom Daschle when he threatened to expose this secret base. Other members of Congress were sworn to secrecy under threat of death while few choose to retire early from office so as not be associated to knowing that they knew of the bases existence.

Only the President of the United States, the Prime Minister of Canada, a few others and the service men and women serving on the base are fully aware of the bases existence and daily operations as well as a few members of Congress under the threat of death. Many former Presidents and Prime Ministers have retired wealthier and more cautious that the secret doesn’t leak out. The greatest wealth and military technology ever discovered connected to the worst environmental disaster that has changed the entire weather system of the whole planet. 

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