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Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Back Pains

Awhile back when I was working one Friday, I pulled a muscle in my lower back. It felt like I got kicked up my rear end by a mule. I tried to be as composed as I could. Making my way to the company truck, I looked like I had just ridden for ten hours on a horse. Sitting down in the truck I started to feel a little bit better. Figuring I could walk it off I continued to keep on working.

That didn't go to well as I finished up as quickly as I could and made my way back to the truck again where I called my supervisor. He told me where to go and in no time I was at the doctor’s office. Unbeknownst to me, the Doctor was standing outside talking to someone else as I walked into the place. Completing the forms, weight and blood pressure checks needed I did the usual waiting game.

He entered the room already with a diagnosis just by how I was walking. But he did the formality of 20 questions. All confirming what he already knew. I had pulled a ligament in my lower back. Getting a prescription and a note for work, I headed back to the plant and waited for my supervisor to fill out the accident report. A few hours later I went to the drug store to get the medicine and headed home to my wife who had been texting and calling me as to how soon I was going to get home to rest.

And then the fun started. She went into mother mode.  She wanting to know all the details. Making sure I was comfortable in bed, waking me up to give me a nice lunch that she cooked. She continued to wake me up every few hours to see if I was OK.  Never mind the fact that the medicine was supposed to make me sleep.

In time my back got better and better. Still feels weird but I was able to go back to work and not be forced to watch hours of TV and surfing the web. Not forced to eat my favorite foods my wife cooks for me. Eating junk food and soda in bed as family members babysit my two boys for us. Although that could be the medicine in me talking.

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