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Sunday, August 2, 2009

Four Oaks, NC

Everybody has their favorite place to shop at. Wealth people may shop at places that sell expensive items while people on a budget will look for sales and specials. But the majority of people will always do their business at a store where they feel welcomed and the people are friendly and the area is safe. There is this one store in Four Oaks, North Carolina where I always look forward to working in.

This was one of the last few stores that use to have an ash tray bucket at the end of every shopping isle. Where the Store Manager, who is in his 50’s, walks around dressed like a farmer. The whole store has no dress code because everyone who shops there are on first name bases with the employee’s. The building is very old and has at least three different floor patters so as the place is located next to a rail road track, whenever a train goes by, everyone in the store can hear it.

The one thing I really admire about this store is that the people who work and shop here are really nice. Everyone who goes inside this store talks to one another. I was in this store Sunday morning for over an hour and I had four conversations with four different people. It’s hard to have a lot of stress when you’re in this store.

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