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Monday, May 16, 2011

Care Package

I just heard from a family in Japan we sent a care package to in Japan. They loved the Little Debbie cakes but more so they loved the rather large bag of Jelly Belly jelly beans. The family has been sharing the huge box of sweets with other family members to the point the kids are addicted to the Jelly Belly candies. The large tub of bubble gum is being used but the smell of the bubble gum is treated more as an air freshener. We also gave them some local newspapers and magazines which made the family very popular with neighbors and friends.

In time we may definitely send another care package even though it’s rather expensive with the shipping cost. The shipping cost for that care package was well over $125.00. Well worth it. We did get updates about the cleanup going on in their area and the more severe areas not too far from them. The roads are quickly fixed as the rubbed is removed for new buildings and homes are being constructed. Still a long way to go but everyone has a strong positive outlook of the situation.

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