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Saturday, November 13, 2010

Something strange is happening to me.

With all that has happened to me this week I thought it couldn't get any worse. But as my wife and I had a long heart to heart talk Thursday night really putted me at ease. It seamed to have carried over into the next day which putted me in a great mood while feeling like I could conquer the world. At my age I usually have a few aches and pains but not today. I didn’t even feel any chest pains as a result of my gallbladder surgery mishap. Even though I did a lot of heavy lifting I never got tired or broke a sweat. I could run a marathon or even take my wife shopping at the mall and be ready for more. And it all started around 3:30 AM, Friday morning.

After I updated a blog and worked on a Christmas video I finally went to bed around midnight feeling totally blank. I couldn’t even think a thought or remember anything clearly. I do recall feeling pressure around my head, as if I was wearing a helmet. I got a little concern when I went outside for no reason at all. I didn’t even feel cold. But while I was outside I checked the mailbox containing only junk mail. A bit disappointed it wasn’t real mail I went back inside to finally go to bed.

Everyone else was fast asleep with me starting to feel like I needed another trip to the hospital. But the moment I laid down I was out. I can’t even remember what dreams I had which really strange. I remember all my dreams and can have some control over them from time to time but last night I had no dreams at all. But at 3:30 AM I woke up like I was taking my first breathe of life. I was wide awake, breathing like I just finished a marathon race. I used the bathroom and made a quick sandwich and was back in bed by 4 AM.

Then it got weird. I had the same dream three times with each version being played out differently. Like the movie, ‘Inception’, I was able to more around and totally control all of my actions. The repeating dreams were like the movie ‘Invasion of the Body Snatchers’ and the EVO’s from the cartoon show Generator Rex. In each version they attacked me. In two of those dreams I defeated them easily but in the third dream it wasn’t going so good for me. Mainly due to the fact my alarm went off at 4:45 AM before that dream could finish.

And the whole thing carried over into Saturday. That morning I was leaving a store heading to the truck when I was approached by a couple of nuns. Apparently they were stopping to stretch their legs while getting gas for their van. They walked over to me just as I reached the truck and wanted to ask me a few questions. About who I am, do I go to church and the type of faith I have? Apparently, one of those nuns stated that she noticed small light orbs floating all around me for a few seconds as I was leaving the store and was curious as to the type of person I am.

But the rest of the day was a repeat of Friday. I got home by 6:30 PM after working for over 12 hours straight and yet I felt like I could go for another 10 hours without any rest. I don’t do drugs, smoke or on any medication but since it all started early Friday morning my body feels completely different as my mind has been racing with all these thoughts and ideas. One of those I mention to my wife and she’s all for it. We’re going to create a mini comic book or a dojinshi together. She draws the pictures and I add the text.

I can’t wait for tomorrow.

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